Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 6] (Readiness test, Upload Identity)

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Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 6] (Readiness test, Upload Identity)
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Hello every one. Please pray for all. Now we have completed our profile70%-80%. Our main work is still not done. Guess any one, what is that? Yes it is the exam. Odesk readiness test. Before passing the test you can not apply for the job. No client allows you to give any job. So you should understand how it is important. It is true that first time you will face many problems to pass.
 But after 2 or 3 times you will pass the exam. For giving exam go here https://www.odesk.com/tests/753
readiness test

For syllabus click here.  https://www.odesk.com/tests/753

The exam time 60 munities. This is multiple question exam. So start study and pass the exam. 

Upload your Identity: 

It is another important task for completing profile 100%. Before complete 100% of your profile, you do not get any job. It is not so hard work. Very simple work. After that, please follow the image below. 
upload identity.


Go to profile.
1. Select the Contact info.
2. Upload your identity  

Then see the below image.
mobile verification

1. Write the Country Name
2. Write the Mobile Number
3. Write the source the code from Odesk.
4. Click continue. 

Then follow the below image. You will receive a code from Odesk in your mobile phone.
mobile or phone verification

1. If you do not receive any sms from Odesk then, click the number 1.
2. Write the code here
3. Click continue.
After mobile verification. You have to do 2nd  task of Identity upload. This time  You need to scan your national Id card or Passport or Driver license.

Follow the Image below serially.   
detail about identity, upload national id

1. Select your choice (Id card or Passport or Driver license)
2. Upload your scan id (Jpeg format)
3. Your country
4. Write here your ID number
5. Write here your ID Expire date
6. Write here your Date Of Birth
7. Click continue. 

After uploading ID card  two or three days.  The Odesk team will examine your ID card and bank statement. Then Odesk will accept your ID.
If you feel any problem, please comment here. I shall response to you as early as possible. So please inform me about your problem.

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